Friday, November 29, 2024


 Dear Readers:

America has voted, we got what some of us wanted, but as the song goes now we don't want what we got.   Says those who are now crying in their milk.  If only you had listen to the man speak you would have known what you were getting.  The only thing is he will be delayed in paying for his many crimes because those who was suppose to protect the masses of America decided the man was more important, somebody should have told them that GOD SITS ON THE THRONE KEEPING WATCH OVER HIS OWN AND EVEN THOUGH HE IS GETTING BY AND ALL THE OTHER EVIL ONES ARE GOING TO HAVE A RECKENONING DAY.  And a lot of them are going to see it right here on  this earth.  Government jobs are to protect those who comes up short, not get in office and steal all you can steal for self and all your enablers.  America is the land of the free and the home of the brave and America went and gave the country away, to a man who told you he wanted to be president for life and be a dictator, Putin 2.0 but you thought he was joking now you are going to find the joke is on you.  GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA.


Thursday, November 7, 2024


 Dear Readers

Once again we have been hoodwinked.  You elected a man who have proven he doesn't care anything about law and order except when it involves those who can't buy their way out of trouble.  He has already open season on the marginalized.  Already the foul text messages have started.  The person leading the charge is the newly elected President.  He openly told law enforcement to make examples out of some and others will fall in line.  Well you got what you wanted so let's see if you want what you get.  We are not going to the cotton field they don't need us any more, they got machines to plant it, chop it, pick it and bail it.  I guess that is why they need us to remain uneducated so they can dictate what we do, have no need to think for ourselves.  Hence that is why they are trying to shut down public education because they know under wage pay, you can't afford education, let us work for slave wages at McDonalds.  Watch what happens now since the Biden Administration was so bad, keep your eye on this administration.  A lot talk and no substance will be their lot.

Saturday, October 5, 2024


 Dear Readers

I am appealing to your better judgement for my freedom, we are heading into an election with just a few more weeks to go.  I am pleading with all you free thinking Americans to check out who you put in the White House.  One is going to help us to remain a Democracy and one is going to bring us to COMMUNIST, instead of us blocking the boarders from incomers, we will be trying to find someplace for us to go.  Whether bond or free is November 5, 2024 is the decision that you will be deciding on that day.  I personally am praying you choose freedom.  I happen to  love America and I don't have no place to go after I leave here.  My next stop will be heaven my goal.  One option in this election is Freedom, the other option is a fool for a leader and COMMUNIST is your chosen option, and if you don't know anything about communism I would advise you look it up before you choose it to be your lifestyle for the rest of your life.  Ukraine can tell you something about it, look  them up.  GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Friday, July 5, 2024


 Dear Reader

I  want to save America from a man who has already shown his disrespect for America and all it stand for.  I love America, my mother's three brothers fought for America, I have three brothers who fought for America, and my only two sons fought for America.  I am deeply invested in America.  This is my home and I have no place to go if this renegade is the President again.  He cares nothing about being a leader he is interesting in the power he gains, he has no interest in it's citizens, he threw his own son under the bus when it suited him.  Check out his Project 2025 he and his think tank made for America, He said he would be a dictator day one.  HE 45 intend to change all the rules of America, look at how he has changed a lot of the rules now, look how all the Senators and  Representatives 147 of them IS HELPING HIM,  HE PLACED SUPREME COURT JUDGES RIGHT WHERE HE WOULD NEED THEM AND ALL his allies are bending over backward to make sure he gets away with his many crimes, without any respect to law and order, all his associates are fired, going to jail, licenses getting suspended, all the while he is continuing to move alone one court hold up after another on other people's money, the great mob boss, with threats of a bloodbath if he doesn't win this election, everybody has nick names like a child at play, and these are just a few of the things we can expect should he become President again.  PLEASE DON'T SELL OUR COUNTRY OUT TO BECOME UKRAINE 2.0  GOD BLRSS YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA TOO.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


 Dear Reader

Please help to understand how everybody that is involved with this 45th president are getting jail time and messing up their lives and the ring leader have everybody and their mama bending over backward to rescue him from accountability for the damage he has done to this country.  It was always called  treason to overthrow your government, now it is just a tour through the White House even though officers died and civilian citizens, and the perpetrators has done no wrong.  Wasn't that a crime you use to get hung for. It is funny how some are to abide by the law and if you got money or a good con artist, you get by with it.  When do they become accountable for their actions?   JUST ASKING.

Monday, March 18, 2024


Dear Readers:

When 45 left the white house I thought he was gone out of our lives forever, despite the fact we were told that when his day ends he has no plans to leave on his own.  We were hoping it was hyperbole, when he kept doing things like a child to be noticed, he is still present 3 plus years later.  Where is real patriots of America.  Where are the Christians of this Country who should be giving him sound advice instead of going alone with the program?  Each and every one of them that is of sound mind knows this man is not fit to be president with all the illegal criminal things he has done and bragged about it, like pulling the hairs on a woman private parts, but you can get away with it when you are rich, can shoot someone in Central Park, and no one would care, run his own businesses in the ground with over 5 bankruptcies, takes responsibility for nothing he does and there is nothing to compare with the liar he is.  Now  he is working hard to be president for life and the insurrectionist Congressmen/women there assisting him.  Do you like free America Democracy or you holding out for Mr. Putin's communist America 45 favorite buddy?  Freedom or Communist that is what's on the ballot in this election, your choice now, but if you chose wrong then you won't have that choice probably again, 45 is running for President for life.  Soooo freedom or communist.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Dear Readers

Our Democracy is in deep trouble, I have been saying every since I saw what kind of President the GOP was willing to put in to make us pay for electing a black man for President.  Their front runner right now is working to make our Country just like his buddy Mr Putin.  His followers don't seem to care.  I pray God they do, I was born free and I would like to remain free.  That half of the GOP SIDE OF CONGRESS which is about half of the GOP group is working with all their might to allow him to finish tearing America down, he cares nothing about America except for the riches he can gain, he acts like a thug, he threatens civil war if he does not get his way and gets by with it, his aid and abettors are willing go violate everybody else rights just so he can have his.   Even to the point of changing the laws to please him.   No accountability for nothing he does and lie like a child when he is caught.  Here are few scriptures we use to try to live by, they are all gone by the way side since he became leader.  Judges Duet 16:18-20, Proverbs 6:16-19, 7 things God hates,  Let all things be done decently and in order 1 Corin 14;40,  GOVERNMENT Roman 13:1-11  His friends say let the voters, vote him out, he was and he did not respect our choice,  he is still hanging on and wreaking havoc.