Dear Readers:
America has voted, we got what some of us wanted, but as the song goes now we don't want what we got. Says those who are now crying in their milk. If only you had listen to the man speak you would have known what you were getting. The only thing is he will be delayed in paying for his many crimes because those who was suppose to protect the masses of America decided the man was more important, somebody should have told them that GOD SITS ON THE THRONE KEEPING WATCH OVER HIS OWN AND EVEN THOUGH HE IS GETTING BY AND ALL THE OTHER EVIL ONES ARE GOING TO HAVE A RECKENONING DAY. And a lot of them are going to see it right here on this earth. Government jobs are to protect those who comes up short, not get in office and steal all you can steal for self and all your enablers. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave and America went and gave the country away, to a man who told you he wanted to be president for life and be a dictator, Putin 2.0 but you thought he was joking now you are going to find the joke is on you. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA.
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