Dear Readers
Our Democracy is in deep trouble, I have been saying every since I saw what kind of President the GOP was willing to put in to make us pay for electing a black man for President. Their front runner right now is working to make our Country just like his buddy Mr Putin. His followers don't seem to care. I pray God they do, I was born free and I would like to remain free. That half of the GOP SIDE OF CONGRESS which is about half of the GOP group is working with all their might to allow him to finish tearing America down, he cares nothing about America except for the riches he can gain, he acts like a thug, he threatens civil war if he does not get his way and gets by with it, his aid and abettors are willing go violate everybody else rights just so he can have his. Even to the point of changing the laws to please him. No accountability for nothing he does and lie like a child when he is caught. Here are few scriptures we use to try to live by, they are all gone by the way side since he became leader. Judges Duet 16:18-20, Proverbs 6:16-19, 7 things God hates, Let all things be done decently and in order 1 Corin 14;40, GOVERNMENT Roman 13:1-11 His friends say let the voters, vote him out, he was and he did not respect our choice, he is still hanging on and wreaking havoc.
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