Dear Reader,
For awhile now I have been praying for and writing about the plight of our Country. I know there are many who will not agree with me, but I have it on good authority our Country is in serious trouble. When ever you have a former leader who lie as easy as he drinks water, and have the power to make other follow him, others who are as blind as he is, trouble is ahead. The blind leading the blind they all will fall in the ditch. He has his followers believing they are patriots, when patriots loyalty is to ones Country, and not to man. They have fallen for this garbage hook, line and sinker. It has been said America is a Christians Country, you would never know it the way they lie, cheat and steal. They lie easily to win elections, tell citizens that you are going to work on making life better for their future, but what they do once in office American Citizens fall by the wayside and they work against them padding their own pockets. Cut all the life lines set up for the needed to advance and make a game out of it. Programs, health services, financial services, made to help they take delight in eradicating them, their job is to help but they get great pleasure in screwing the citizens. They have no sympathy for people but yet claim to work for them. American men in Congress have forgotten that this is GOD's world and remembers only how to enrich self. Trying to roll back the hands of time on slavery, but not only poor blacks, but anyone who might be in the same category. If you are in the marginalized group as far as they are concerned we are on our own to fin for our selves limited resources because they work hard to see that they are not plenteous. If you have friends who are concern about our citizens please have them get involve in the political side of the world and help to make it better and save it before we become Ukraine 2.0. We need your help and also help get those criminals out of Congress. Learn our Constitution, look at the Declaration of Independence, The Preamble, Civil Rights so they Will know that all of us have the same Civil Rights, not one group and the rich have another. Let us Pray GOD bless America.
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