Monday, December 5, 2022


Dear Reader

I have been very involved in the political part of the American Government workings in the past 12 or 13 years and that is one of the reasons I have known for a fact that what the former President was saying about the voter fraud was a bold face lie and I wondered why he would say such a thing and where was he going with it.  It did not take me long to figure what his point was.  This man will do and say anything to get his objective.  He wants to be President for life and will do anything to accomplish that goal.   To keep our freedom we had better wake up and smell the coffee.  We are going to loose our freedom with the loose lips of a loose, non caring citizen who cares about nothing but what will stroke his ego.  The government was set up by GOD and was not designed to appeased those who are greedy and interested in only them selves.  In the office of politics we need people who are interested in the people of the country and not so hyped on what he can get out of it.  This man is trying to change America for his own conveniences.  Before this man and his aids and abetters destroy it under the guise of making it better.  Criminals needs to be in jail and that is what insurrectionists are, criminals, people died that day, others committed suicide, others got hurt.  What are we to do just let it slide?  This man gives all kinds of money to his buddies, and the congress denies the poor a $15.00 an hour paycheck, but don't mind raising their salaries any time they see fit.  Denies the train workers sick benefits but feel they should keep the Country moving and not get back logged, the men in government job is just that, but instead they are in the bedrooms of women, doctors offices, and telling them how to educate their children, with all this miss education that we have going on.  They need to get about making lives better for the nation and stop getting into people personal lives.

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