Tuesday, July 25, 2023


Dear Readers:

Patriots are the ones who are lovers of Country, that is who I am appealing to now, our Country is in serious trouble and we need to get serious about how much you want to be free.  Dictators don't allow freedom, they tell what to do as the GOP and the Supreme Court is trying to do now.  Elected officials are  not the keeper of souls.  God is.  Sooo our officials have stepped over the line of personal business on this road they have gotten on.  Their jobs are to feed the hungry, fix the border, settle the immigrant crisis, and the like.  Not try to do Gerrymandering, cheat their way to stay in office.  Then deny the common man of all his legal rights.  All that action is from the pit of hell.  According to Romans 13, they are violating man's rights and GOD's laws.  He said the poor you will have with you always and they are trying to cheat them out of everything they are entitled to, and shame them out of even expecting them to give them what they are humanly entitled to get.  You do know their job is to work for the best benefit of the country and not self gratification on the backs of those who they are to serve.  They are the stewards of the earth and they have neglected their duty.  To GOD and man.

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