Thursday, March 9, 2023


 Dear Readers:

In this life we have choices, and the most discouraging part about that is the sinner man continually make the wrong choices.  Jesus said do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Still I read. see and hear men who have not learned that lesson yet, the politicians keep changing the laws to put down the poor, tell them to pull themselves up by their boot straps, and will take the boots away from them or leave them without traps. Working overtime to deny men of their birthright, the right to live in peace, have the opportunity of have the pursuit of happiness find reasons not to be just in their dealings, lie, cheat, steal, do all they can to keep what is rightfully theirs away from them and when they see them progressing any way despite of being treated unfairly.  Someone said then they go and move the goal post.  It's shame the way Americans who are prosperous tries all they can to keep others down (some not all).  God Bless America, and I thank you.

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