Thursday, November 18, 2021


Dear Readers:

Listen up if you read anything I write please pay good attention to what I am saying, I am very concern about our Country.  We have a Country of free flowing lies and our leaders lie without any care of how it affect the Nation.   We are still rehashing an election that happen a year ago, our leaders are passing laws without any care of how it will affect our democracy.  They cry constitutional rights but have no respect for the Constitution, trying to change it for the convenient of one man and no one seem to care.  The former leader is trying with all his might to send America back to the good old days of the fifties and sixties, and end result to make him President for life.  The Civil rights that Congressman John Lewis, Dr King and others fought for are being reversed every chance they get.  Refuse to let people of color vote less as possible, by nuke or crook, freely letting the Country go down on it's way to Communism.  The cry my vote don't count is going to become a reality if you and all your friends don't pay attention and get up and take care of your political business.   The day has passed and gone when we can be comfortable letting somebody else do it.  We all got to be counted.  Otherwise the comforts that you are now enjoying can soon disappear and it will be nobody's fault but your own.

Another thing the Pandemic is still here and we all need to get on board and get the vaccine, when the patches here and there still hanging around because of your personal rights instead of the rights of the general public none of us are going to be free vaccine or not.  One bad bunch is keeping every body else down.  It's a world Pandemic not the President or the liberals or the poor, the rich are dying too.  Get the vaccine.  PLEASE.

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