Thursday, September 2, 2021


 Dear Readers:

Having seen what the Texas Law Makers have done to the young women in that state, I have a few suggestions for your plight. There are a few ways that you can get around having to have an abortion. Abstinences, use condoms, or have the baby and tell the public if you are looking for a baby, there are many woman who would love to have a born baby, give it away, or you can learn your cycle and stay out of the fertility time, in case you are wondering where is that time, according to research, from the first day of the period count 13 to 15 days and you are right in the middle of the cycle where you are most fertile, refrain from being active on those days and you will probably not suffer the consequences of doing something you should not have been doing in the first place without a husband but if you do you are pretty safe.  Example   you start on the 3rd in a 28 day cycle count 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 safe time not to have a child refrain start back 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29  30 31 1 you should be good.  Good Luck.

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