Monday, July 12, 2021


Dear Reader:

For months now I have been puzzled by the things that Americans do and don't know that what they are doing is wrong.  For instant when the riot broke out at the Capitol Building, why didn't they know that was an act of treason.  That we can't be a Country of Law and Order for some and not for others, that patriotism belongs to Country and not to man.  This is the United States of America and we who are born here are Citizens, please stop treating us as anything less than Citizens.  Your rights belongs to all, regardless to the shade of their skin or whatever their Sir Name is.  You who proclaim to be Christians a reckoning day is coming and you are going to have plenty to give an account too, especially the way you tolerated injustice for others and looked the other way, remember the Bible say the strong shall bear the infirmities of the weak.  You failed miserably.

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