Monday, March 1, 2021


Dear Reader

I am writing this warning because I am concern for our Country, and the danger we are playing with when you put your trust in a man who held communist meetings with communist leaders and had no witnesses of what they talked about, no report, then our Capitol was  rioted by his followers at the end of his term, he wants to be president for life and doing every thing he can to get his desire, and his followers are carrying out his wishes without even noticing.  He has two agendas and he is working on them both become President for life and let his followers get their hands dirty.  When they wake up from his propaganda it will be too late to do anything about it.  We all will have to suffer the consequences of the damage that has been done.  America will be in a civil war at his makings.  I am told that America is one of the better Countries, I don't know I have never stayed anywhere else so I can't compare and all I am saying is if you want this Country to remain a Good Country now is the time to do something about it.  Wake up and see what our former leader is doing, he is headed to war.  At his own pleasure.  All I am saying is wake up and Pay attention, Listen intensively to his rhetoric.

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