Thursday, December 14, 2017

My Suggestion part 2

Dear Readers: I have noticed every time common people find something to enjoy, it does not take long for the long hand of the Cooperative world to find a way to make us pay more I am not a regular person of the media world so it won't bother me quite as much if the Big Cooperative companies send the prices in to orbit, I just wanted say you don't have to tolerate that. You can refuse to buy it, learn to manage your own funds, as they are doing in always finding a way to make you pay more. Well you won't pay more if you leave the product on the shelves, if you don't purchase they can't sell. Example Internet Services, Gas Prices, Baggage on the plane. Things that use to be courtesy is now a business, another way to charge more. While they rob the less fortunate blind they laugh all the way to the bank. As a group you can curtail some of that. Don't jump on every ban wagon that comes up so willing to pay whatever it cost. Figure a way not to need that and lessen the cost. If you been buying gas twice a week, try combining your trips and buy gas once a week, going somewhere, pack less no need to check baggage. Internet don't stay on it all day. When the bill goes higher, lessen the times and price you pay for it. Supply and demand, no demand no supply, no supply, service adjust.

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