Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Dear Readers: As the teachers were speaking about the CEO of Chicago Public Schools special needs students and shortage of funds I was reminded of something I have been thinking for a long time. Why is it every time jobs comes up there is always the need to put somebody extra on the payroll that should not be because if you need to pay an outsider to do the job that you already have on the payroll then those who are on the payroll should not be there. Especially for those in the education system, if they can't figure out what's needed then they are inept to do their jobs. That is a lot of wasted money or should I say a lot of padding the pockets where it should not be. There is a lot of consultants fees being paid to get information that you already know the answers too, or people present who can supply the answer. GET REAL AND STOP WASTING AND GIVE THE TAX PAYERS A BREAK AND USE OUR MONEY WISELY, and not wastefully. Would somebody please let the Mayor know.

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