Friday, September 29, 2017


Dear Readers: Ever so often I have to go and take care of some personal business, A lot have happen since I have been gone. This thing with the National Anthem it seems so simple you stand if that's what you want to do and I kneel if that is what I want to do and both of us are within our rights. You don't hinder mine and I don't hinder yours. Fair, right? All any of us should want is that each man/woman have their fair share of whatever is being served. Time is running out on all of us and whether you are rich or poor, only what you do for Christ is going to last. It's either heaven or hell, (Jesus said I am the way the truth and the light, no man cometh unto the father but by me.) Whether you believe or not the truth will win out and either heaven is your goal or not. I don't care how rich you are and where ever your soul goes you are not going to take your riches that you have lied, cheated and or stole, even if you got them honestly with you so be a blessing to somebody while you are here. HELP AS MANY OF THE HURRICANE VICTIMS AS YOU CAN. GOD BLESS ALL OF US

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