Monday, January 30, 2017


Dear Readers: We have so many issues going now it is hard to keep up with them. People are people, we need to stop labeling people according to their skin tone, or country they came from and the language they speak. We all have red blood and if you cut us we bleed, take your blood and mine put it some place without a label and you won't know mine from yours. THE BIBLE SAYS WHAT YOU WOULD THAT MAN WOULD DO UNTO YOU DO ALSO UNTO THEM. We need to LOVE one another that is the only obligation that we have where there is no law. No one has the right of another's body except the person who owns the body, stop telling people what they can and cannot do to or with their bodies, it belongs to them. We all pay taxes, whether we want to or not. So you need to stop the cry I don"t want my taxes paying for this or that, you forget all those taxes are not yours that it is a compilation of all of our taxes even the ones that you are trying to deny the services, they pay taxes too even if their check is social welfare there are places that they still have to pay taxes. What so many of us forget is this is the United States of America and every right you have all citizens have also. Stop the phony classes, because I see just you have money, and are able to buy more things, it does not make you a better person. The classes you made up so it makes you feel better but in the scope of things you are no better than any one else and a lot you with money certainly aren't happier that is why you pick on the sickly, poor, and those striving to get an education.

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