Thursday, January 26, 2017


Dear Readers: The other night I didn't listen to the channel 7 report from Mr President of US because I rest assured I would hear replays from every news outlet analyzing his every word, but I see that is not happening, Thank God for that, he played the news outlets like a YoYo until he got what he wanted now he is being selective about who he wants to cover him because of the unfair media. The only thing I resent is his every move was recorded when he was running and now that he don't need you any more he is being high and mighty. What didn't happen when he was running was now body could see his celebrity status had a lot to do with his following, and we love to be connected to celebrities. Nobody made him give an account for the things that he said that is going to negatively impact this nation now and in the future, a lot of the stuff that he by with is coming back to haunt us now and the end is not you, there is much more to come. The reason he has to have so many of his children around him they are his limit line and even that is not enough to keep him on track. He could talk about any and every body but every time someone say something about him and his wife unflattering he will sue. He wants to put a muggle on everybody but himself and dictate what everybody say. He likes Russia so much because that is what he wants for America. He wants to be a dictator, do not as I do but do what he say.

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