Friday, May 19, 2023


Dear Readers:

After an indebt study I have found that we have been fed a bill of goods that are completely false.  There is no such thing as Separation of Church and State except those who want to live life the way they want to while they are in leadership rolls. do as they please and tell others don't do as I do, do as I say.  We hear over and over Congress are constantly making moral decision on woman not men but women which is hard to figure, who gave them the authority to make decisions for GOD.  Sooo I went to the Bible Genesis 1; 26-31     GOD gave man authority over every creature in the world but man/woman, so our government is taking liberties that is not theirs to take.  GOD said he will not share his glory,  iSAIAH 48:2, the American leaders who have put them selves on GOD'S throne can go into early retirement, who are so concern for the sinful souls of women, is not theirs to save.  That is GOD'S job.  Matt 28:18, James 4:4,  Ephes 6,12-17, Our hired servants do everything but what their jobs  are.  Our government don't even know that they are working servants of GOD and not as the thieves, liars, propaganda mongers, bribe takers that they have become.  Their jobs are to take care of the welfare of the Country but they are willing to blow up our economy under some false notion they are working for showcasing to the GOP PARTY.  If you care anything about your mother, aunt, cousin, daughter or anyone in need  of  the social programs that are in place who are not rich then now is the time to get involved, when cuts are made, when Security already in place is up ended, cut it takes forever to get it back.

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