Tuesday, February 8, 2022


Dear Readers:

I have been, desponded, heartbroken, and feeling sad.  We have worked so hard to make life better in this world of ours and it seems that it is getting worse and worse.  It seems like the powers that be are trying to send us back to slavery, hangman's noose, no accountability, and anything will do.  Run all over people like they don't matter and cry we are a law and order Country, but the ones who make the laws, are the ones who openly break them with no shame.  We have Christians who say they are, but act just like the one who claim nothing.  We have no respect for others, talk about my rights and dam the rights of others, as a matter of fact do all they can to deny the rights of other.  Do you know that we are of the same blood and that there is only one Race and that is the human race.  That the only exception to that rule is God mad us Jews and Gentiles, that was his doing, every thing else is man's doing so they can feel better when they mistreat others.  REMEMBER HUMAN RACE, JEWS AND GENTILES THAT IS THE ONLY DIFFERENCES IN OUR MAKE UP, the rest made up mess to make it easier to be messy.

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